Monday, February 21, 2011

The Myth of Superiority

Why do other people always have to act as if they always know better?  Why cannot they admit that other people who perhaps seem to not know better have some valuable insights that would be beneficial in many ways?  Why dominate a conversation when you can broaden your scope with more variety?  I just don't understand why people are so eager to hold on to their own beliefs, when they are obviously wrong.  Just kidding.  But just that one sentence.  Everything else is right.  That is why we have DISCUSSIONS not one sided conversations.  Even if you want to wrongfully call that a discussion.  So listen up people!!!

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Different Version, Different Story

There once was a rabbi and there were some people.  In a marketplace, there was a woman who committed adultery and she was going to get stoned by the people, as was the practice back then.  The rabbi said, "Those who are without sin, let them throw the first stone."  All the people dropped their stones.  The rabbi then said, "Nevertheless, this woman has sinned and needs to face the consequences," and subsequently raised and dropped a stone over head and dashed out her brains upon the ground.  I guess not everything turns out the way you think it will.  Perhaps that is why there is not mercy for all.  Because if there was, some people would get away with far more than they should.  Therefore, we should think ourselves lucky when we receive mercy when we feel that we should not.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Haven't been on this for awhile...

...but I'm back now.  Sort of.  I'll be out for a little bit next week.  Somehow the pageview number jumped for a little bit.  I've been really busy, so maybe it becomes ironic that that is when people choose to look or not look at this thing.  Finished the next book in the original Ender series.  I'm sort of going through them all again and writing down ideas at the end.  I can't write while I read.  It messes up the mood and everything.  I use A LOT of paperclips.  I'll take a picture sometime.  The current one had to do with foreign species and their underdevelopment and reliance on a virus for their well-being that is sometimes harmful to humans.  It is really interesting.  Also giving the books to a friend who is just reading them for the first time, which is really exciting.  Gives me a lot of good things to think about.  All the characters are just so deep.  Which got me thinking?  Why are all the characters in the stories highly intelligent?  It is his world and everything, but is everybody really intelligent?  I'm starting to think that there are people who are a whole lot more intelligent than you would think.  Which is completely new mindset for me.  Sort of.  I mean, there are a lot of smart people, but some of them hide it really well.  At least that is what it seems like to me.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Does God Give us good Things?

When all things that we do have some negative consequence?  Okay, not all, but a lot of them do.  Don't try to catch me in this one, there are many good things in the world.  Maybe you should stop trying to pick up inconsistencies in this and actually read what I'm writing.  Anyway, there are good things in the world that show us that even from our negative consequences will spring something good that helps another person.  That may be a redundant statement.  That's right, only I'm allowed to point out inconsistencies, you concentrate on the important things.  God gives us good things to remind us that not all in the world is bad.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Have I Done Right?

Do we ask ourselves sometimes if we are doing what is right?  Of course.  At the end, will we ever think that all we did our entire life meets our goals or someone else's that become our own.  Do we ask, "Did I do it right?"  What will be the answer?  What is right?  Is the goal happiness?  If anybody reads this, I would like them to reply to the question of what a good life entails.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have always wanted to fly.  So has the human race.  There is a story about a guy with a sun named Icarus who flew to close to the son and fell into the sea and died.  Yes I know I switched the two suns.  Maybe I did that for  a reason.  But why should I if no one reads this thing anyway.  My point is, human's don't want to be encased somewhere.  They want to have no limits and go "where no man has gone before."  And yet we have "problems" like swine flu and this fiasco in Egypt to distract us from what we are trying to accomplish.  Money and dwindling attention are, I believe, some of the biggest problems in the world today.  When no one cares about science, science gets no funding.  Knowledge is the best and hardest thing for money to buy.  At least that's how it looks from my neck of the woods.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Don't Know Why I Can't Remember stuff for these

Why can I never remember these?  Stupid Human.  You can never remember anything important.  Just wondering how a young person or anyone at all can get into the mindset to kill people.  Maybe that's why children are so naive, because they want to play and have fun and stuff like that.  Nobody is reading this!!!  Sorry.  Just had to put that in there.  How can a 14 year old strap a bomb to himself and go out and kill people.  He knows he is going to die.  He knows other people are going to as well.  How can someone ever get psychologically into that mindset?  I heard a story once of a person giving a machine gun to a kid and tell them not to shoot until they say.  They say, the kid shoots, and they take the hood off the kid and say, now you know what it is like to kill people, and there is a murdered "bad" person.  I just don't understand.  Maybe this is another example of the stupid human.  I'm pretty sure it isn't.  More like *expletive* adult.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quote Qwednesday

Said the pot to the kettle, "Get away, blackface."-Don Quixote
This quote shows how people try to differentiate themselves from people who are seemingly worse.  But of course, aren't we all people?  Why do we try to feel better than someone else?  We're all human, and humans are usually bad.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How can you possible know someone else?

You don't know what they think or feel all the time.  You don't know their innermost thoughts.  This leads me to the premise that I am the worst person I know.  Because I most certainly don't know you.  Thus accounts for my very low self-esteem, even though I may seem like I have a very high image of myself, and in some cases I do, but in most cases I don't, if that makes sense.  Wow.  That's a really short post.  Congratulations go to being straightforward.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, February 7, 2011


Ha!  In my last post, I commented on how bad humans are.  Well, there are some advantages to this as well.  Have you ever done something that you think could be hurtful to someone else, and you think they noticed, and you want to apologize?  Then you go to apologize and they didn't even realize you hurt them?  And you feel so stupid?  Because you thought that they were really hurt and you wanted to apologize when you didn't even need to.  Sometimes humans are just so stupid.  If only sometimes we could just be on the same wavelength with people, literally.  So many more things would be accomplished.  But then there wouldn't be any creativity.  So mabye things are better the way they are.  But what if we could turn off this connection.  If you read this, read for other posts, because as you may be able to see, you never know what may show up here.  And I promise you that what you see on here will be among the most interesting things you see all day.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why do I keep forgetting what I wanted to put on here?

Carpe diem.  Which is exactly what I seem to not be able to do currently.  Why don't I just write things down when I think about them?  Also, I heard my very idea expressed to me by someone else.  I just cannot believe I can't remember these things.  Stupid human fallibility!  Getting limited by brainpower is infuriating!  Well, I did take cool pictures of my cat.  That was fun.  He kept wanting to drop down.  You'll see what I mean later.  Had a late concert.  That was a little boring.  People talked for way too long.  I don't know if anyone is looking at this.  Maybe I just haven't been posting regularly enough.  I really think people should check this on a regular basis.  I'm on here at least twice a week...
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, February 3, 2011


That strange realm.  Where things that could never happen can and where things that might happen will.  Not sure what to say about this, but dreams seem powerful to me.  Not exactly sure why.  It seems to me like just another way everything was planned.  To be able to experience your wildest dreams is a gift beyond belief.~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quote Qwednesday the Second

Sometimes lies were more dependable than the truth.
-Orson Scott Card- Ender's Game
This quote, from one of the greatest authors ever, comes from an interesting context.  Little Ender on the operating table to lose his monitor, a device that monitored everything that happened to him over the previous years, reacts to something the doctor said.  The doctor had said that the operation would not hurt a bit.  Andrew (his real name) took this as an accurate prediction of the future, as adults think that children cannot endure much pain, and therefore assured him that a very painful procedure would not hurt.  In this case, the lie was more dependable than the truth.  This also was shown later when Ender was told a lie about who he was playing against in order to defeat an entire alien race.  But that's a whole other story.  I suppose the ironic thing is, during the operation, Ender almost died, so perhaps the human race would not have been saved after all.  Isn't it interesting how precarious tend to be when seen in hindsight?

~another musing of the ill-informed~