So I'm an avid quiz show person. I enjoy Jeopardy a lot. Many weird things have been happening on that show. There was this guy with this HUGE mane! It was ridiculous! Anyway, I do very well with the questions. They had a Greek category tonight and I got most of the questions right. For one of them ($1200 I think) I was like, "Darius or Xerxes," And then the first guy said Xerxes and got it wrong then the second guy said Darius. I guess I'm so good that I can guess the wrong answer AND the right answer. Haha. And 2 weeks ago on Price is Right, there were 3 double showcase winners. At least that's what I remember. It was RIDICULOUS! It almost never happens. It was INSANE. Well, I guess I shouldn't get that excited over it, but I was. And have you ever seen the flag of Colombia, the country? It is half yellow, 25% red and 25% blue. It was the weirdest distribution I have ever seen.

It's just so weird! (Just so you know, I do not aim to offend anyone with this post)
~another musing of the ill-informed~