Sunday, July 31, 2011

Philly sports for the win

Phillies and the Eagles making some good trades and aquisitions.  Hunter Pence, Cromartie, and Asomasjofidasja.  Good stuff.  Really hoping that the Phillies can go all the way this year.  I have a pitcher going right now in MLB the show 2011.  He's the ace pitcher for the Phils.  Who have all of their star pitching plus 2.  One is me, the other Felix Hernandez.  They lost all their field players, thus sucking badly.  Anyway, somehow they made it to the world series, thanks to yours truly, and they lost to the Yankees.  Hope THAT doesn't happen this year.  I think their biggest challenge will be getting out of the NLDS and NLCS.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, July 29, 2011

On the degradation of language

Words keep getting added to languages.  This is a necessity because of technological advances that new terms are needed for.  So when do words and phrases start to become obsolete?  When they come out of usage.  How long does it take for this to happen?  Who knows.  But we do still have a lot of words that have been around for over 300 years.  We just like to talk.  That's just how it is.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Establishment and Negotiation of Truth

Have you ever tried to be in a place where everything you think is made wrong for a very long time?  It is actually really hard.  I've figured out that if you aren't around people who believe what you believe is true, you have to hold that truth within yourself.  And I also believe that one of the goals of humans is to spread their "truth" to anyone who will listen.  So if you can't, then you fail to function correctly, unless you change your "truth."  This is a forced change to adapt to the environment.  Just one of those things that hit me today.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quote Qwednesday

"Most of us manage to keep our body count quite low.  It's the neighborly way to live."
                 Children of the Mind, Orson Scott Card page 259
This is a quote I found humorous about trying to control powerful feelings.  It is really interesting that most people never kill anyone else.  And then some people do.  I find myself asking, "Why?"

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, July 25, 2011

On the path

Recently, I have been thinking about the path lately.  First, what happens if you stay on the path?  Nothing, you just follow it until YOU run out of time.  What happens if you get off the path?  You might get lost.  Does the path bring safety?  Probably.  Is there deviation within the path?  This is where I get shaky.  There is more than one path.  Everyone has there own, I think.  They will all cross at some point. And most of them finish at the same place.  So I just proved myself wrong.  You stay on your path until it ends you.  That sounds better.  More right.  We all die.  Yeah we do.  Except for a select few.  That's what I believe anyway.  So yeah, paths.  Fun fun.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do you remember what I said...

about where we end up etc.?  Well, I feel like I started in the wrong place.  Like I don't belong where I am.  Actually, I don't really want to be here.  I sort of want to start somewhere else.  Or make different circumstances.  Be different.  I guess I should stop worrying about what I could be and start thinking about what I am.  But it's hard, isn't it?  Don't we all want something else?  Thus is life.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, July 22, 2011

Governmental Stupid Answers

Awesome category on Jeopardy! tonight.  Governmental Stupid Answers.  Funniest category for a while!  They had the answer in the question.  You were like, "WHAT!?!"  You just couldn't believe that was the answer.  Here's one: "This service determines, assesses, and collects internal revenue in the U.S."
"What is the Internal Revenue Service?"  By that time you say, "Oh, I get it now..."
I think that was a test of common sense for the contestants.  I bet they couldn't believe they were getting this on Jeopardy!  It was just hilarious.  Would've been even funnier if someone got one wrong...

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm getting screwed over all the time.

Gosh.  Music is so annoying.  When people like you, you do well.  When people like other people, your life sucks.  And that's happening to me right now.  Um...time for a quote.

"Being young is an 18 year prison sentence for a crime your parents committed. But you do get time off for good behavior."
     -Empire, Orson Scott Card
So true.  So very very true.  I don't really need to elaborate upon this, do I?

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GAH! Weird pictures!

Is it awkward when you see some weird pictures of somebody?  Obvious answer: yes.  I don't exactly get why people like to put things about themselves or of themselves on the internet where almost anybody can see it.  I was raised pretty technologiphobic, so I don't really like putting that much of myself where other people can get at it.  I read a story recently about groups of people that didn't even trust people with their true names.  And no, they weren't criminals. 

Then it struck me how free we all are with information.  Almost our whole life is the sharing of information.  I don't really feel like elaborating upon that.  I know it's just true and if you think about it, you will too.

But where would we be if we didn't share information?

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ok, I was just kidding

Firstly, USA lost.  The reason they did is because of too many missed opportunities and a tournament-long streak of not clearing the ball correctly.  Usually, a good clear does not go in front of the goal.  This happened to USA many times and there you have the result: 1-1.


On how where we start affects where we end up?  I feel like I am immensly lucky to be where I am.  I have a beautiful place to live around some nice people in some good circumstances.

Also, just want to have it on here how I am appalled at how sometimes people think that they have to make choices for other people.  People can be responsible for themselves you know.

That's all I'm going to say on that for today.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Will Now Write A Poem!

Ok.  Here goes.

Thinking, Thinking, Thinking
Going Nowhere.
But how do I get there?

Do you like that?  Just kinda threw it together there.  Wasn't really thinking about anything, I just kinda tricked you.

I'll talk about the result of the women's world cup final a little later.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What am I?

This may sound weird.  Sometimes I just get an internal rage.  Unreasonably angry with everything.  And I hate myself.  And I smile.  Is this weird?  Do you think I could go my whole life just writing like this.  I don't think anyone really cares about this.  I kind of do.  For some reason, it is important to me to get through to someone.  Maybe get a group of people that actually think.  I don't know.  Maybe I'm just weird.  But what if I were somebody?  Do you ever get that feeling?  That you're somebody?

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Same much

I was thinking last night and forgot a coupla things.  Time for more bullets.
  • One of my friends complained about previews being too long.  For some reason, my previews were uncharacteristically short.  Less than 10 minutes, I believe 3 movie previews.  I was surprised.
  • The movie screen was pixellated.  This upset me greatly.  It was an IMAX theatre and I get pixellated crap at certain parts?  Unbelievable.  I looked at their set-up a little bit and they were reflecting the projector through a sheet of something to get on the screen?  I'm not sure what that is all about.  Please!  Some clarification?
  • Goyle was replaced by Blaise Zabini in the room of requirement broom/fire sequence
  • I didn't really perceive Bellatrix as laughing when she was killed by Mrs. Weasley.  It would have worked if they cut in the sequence of Sirius dying and then have her die the same way or something.  A Scott Pilgrim-esque type of thing would have worked here...
  • I did like how they made the epilogue characters still recognizable by using the same actors.  Now my problems with that sequence.
  • Why did you include Malfoy if you aren't going to include Ron's quip about Rose beating Scorpius on every test?
  • Also would've enjoyed Ron's driving comments.
  • Hermione didn't really talk at all.
  • They didn't mention Professor Neville and Luna
  • Now for the Snape memory sequence.  Firstly, who was that girl with Lily when she has the flower in her hand?  You don't know, do you?  Well, if you read the book you would know that it is Aunt Petunia.  Surprised?  Thought so.
  • Again, no school scenes.  You don't really get the idea of the relationship of Snape and Lily.  You get the smallest inkling, but it was better than that.  It was actually my favorite sub-plot.  So I was upset when they ruined it.
So, again, they included many of the things that happened in the book but not enough details for those things to truly make sense.  As usual, I was expecting more.  It WAS a nice Friday night activity.  But I wasn't blown away like I should have been.  Why are humans so adept at taking the bad things out of everything? 

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, July 15, 2011

If you can't figure out what this is about, you need to get out from under your rock and see the world...

I went to see a movie tonight.  You know which one.  The one with the...oh it's ok.  You know what I'm talking about.

Complaints first.  I'm going to go with my bud Arglefumph on this and start bulleting.  (I didn't actually read his yet, after I write this, I'm going to)
  • Harry never actually repaired his wand.  He just broke the Elder Wand and left his wand broken.
  • Harry broke the Elder Wand
  • Neville didn't kill the snake right away
  • No one was exactly there when Harry killed Voldemort
  • They didn't really talk that much
  • What was that business with Harry shoving Tom off the balustrade?
  • Harry doesn't nod when Mrs. Malfoy asks him if Draco is dead or not.  He breathes Yes.  And Narcissa wasn't covering the part of Harry where his head was.  So everyone would have seen him moving his head.  Bam!  Harry dies again.  End of movie
  • Not enough French Horn for my liking  (the whole movie series was like that for me)
  • I didn't like how the Gringotts scene was handled.  I always thought the dragon blasted out through a wall or something.
  • Ron's parsletongue sounded like "I saw Harry kissing Ginny Weasley..."
  • The above was kind of dumb
  • What was up with that water attack after Hermione stabs the cup.  And it kinda looked like she missed...
  • How do you stab a cup anyway? I thought you would stab it in the middle of the part where liquid is held, but I suppose not...
  • Neville got knocked back.  That wasn't cool.
  • I think the part where Pansy Parkinson says where Harry is wasn't long enough.  Not enough people protecting Harry.
  • The pensieve part with Snape was certainly not long enough.  They skipped all the stuff with school-age Snape and Lily
  • Little Lily's and Baby Harry's eyes were not green.  Easy solution- contacts.
  • At the end, there wasn't enough comic relief.  You only have Harry talking to Albus Severus.  That was it.  Almost like the director saying, "You may only laugh if I let you."  I hated that...
  • That stringy thing with the ball that goes back and forth?  Used far too much.  Like 10 times.  It was dumb.  Didn't even happen that way.  Come up with something else to use people!
I could come up with more if you want.

Good things- Awesome cello solo when Snape dies.  At least I think that's where it was.  There was a horn part at the end.  It made my hearts go all a-flutter.  I did like the part where Snape dies.  Favorite quote?  "Why are you here?"  Lily: "We never left."

Overall?  I didn't like it.  J. K. Rowling is not that good.  The movies got even worse.

Resolution?  I need to start bringing my notebook everywhere so I don't forget things I want to talk about.  And when Ender's Game comes out in theatres, it had better be the best thing I have EVER seen on the screen.  Or I will do something horrendous.  Stand up and start booing in the theatre.  It is too good to ruin.  So I can't wait, but it had better be good!  Or else.

And what is this about Breaking Dawn being in two parts?  Moneygrubbing copycats.  I don't like the Twilight Saga.  All we need is an extra movie for old ladies to ooh and ah at.  (no offense to old ladies)

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where we end up... based on where we start.  I was just thinking the other day.  A daily occurence for me, I assume.  What ends up happening in a life is based slightly upon where they enter the world.  I would probably not be posting this if I were somewhere deep in Africa.  Nor would I think or reason the way I do.  Not that those people that do start there are inferior.  Just that we are different.  And that I would be different if I were where they were.  So I'm not going to get all of the same experiences that they will.   Which could cause me to be lacking in some areas.  I'm kind of resentful of this.  I know it's unreasonable, but that's the way I feel.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I guess it is a Wednesday...

"you can't possibly know the truth about someone unless you love them."
                              -Speaker of the Dead, Orson Scott Card, page 312

Of this I'm not so sure.  I suppose so, if you truly love them.  But it can't just be you wanting to love them.  It has to be both of you working together.  To think that love is created by two, not one, for if it were one would it even be love at all?  Just kinda chose this offa my list.  But I guess in order to know all the truth about someone, yes, you must love that person to get so deeply involved in their idiosyncricies.  I think at this point Ender is talking about someone who really doesn't like him, but he doesn't really mind.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't feel like checking.  So yes, you can't know the true truth about someone unless you love them enough to see it yourself.

Happy Quote Quednesday!

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, July 11, 2011

On Crying

I wish that when I read a really good book, I would be able to cry.  And cry.  And cry.  Guys can cry.  I do cry sometimes during the parts in books that make you want to.  Or just because you want to cry.  Usually the parts are so beautiful, terrible, saddening.  But I don't run around my house spewing tears all over the place.  Though sometimes I wish I could.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Officiating at the World Class Level

I hate to jump on this bandwagon, but it bears discussing.

So the USA win over Brazil in penalty kicks.  For those of you that don't know, here is the report from the game.
I'm not sure why the explanation of some of the major events of the game are not on here.  They usually are supposed to be.  Anyway.  The Buehler red card was, to me, unreasonable.  At first thought I thought maybe a penalty kick would be awarded.  When I saw the red card, I was very confused.  I could maybe see where the referee was coming from.  Maybe.  When looking at the replay, the most I saw was indirect kick offense of impeding an opponents progress, resulting in a kick outside the box.  I feel like it would end up being direct.  Maybe not.  Don't feel like checking right now.  The red card was unwarrented and led to the referee losing control of the game.  Then Hope Solo was penalized for not stepping off her line before the kicker kicked the ball, resulting in a re-kick due to her save.  As if she had stepped off the line, if you didn't get my drift.  There are some games that you feel like the referee was just having a REALLY bad day.  And making the subsequent BAD calls.  That's my rant about the referees' decisions.  Oh wait, the 2nd Brazil goal was the result of a missed offsides call.  Yeah, I think I'm done.

Anyway, I'm not in favor of video replays being used to officiate the game when the referees make the correct calls.  Which they are perfectly capable of doing.  So I'm not exactly sure why world class referees like them would have games like that.  I rarely have games like that as a referee, so how do they always seem to have them at the world cup.  Most of the calls are right, but not all for some reason.  Usually the cause is incorrect positioning in my opinion.  The referees are not in the correct position to make the correct call.

The play.  Oh!  The player of the game was Hope Solo.  She was great.  But to me, the best player of the game was Abby Wambach.  Scored the eventual game saving/winning goal in the 121st minute.  And she was RELENTLESS!  She went after EVERYTHING!  60 minutes of playing a man down and the US ends up WINNING!  UNBELIEVABLE!  And biggest heart- Abby Wambach.  When you are down in a soccer game you have to go for everything, get the ball in play quickly.  Because the longer the ball is in play, the higher chance you have of winning.  She put the ball down for the other team, she yelled for the ball, and got in position for that game-saving header.  It was a beaut.  With a very good and slightly lucky cross from Rapinoe.  And soccer is a game that has a lot of luck in it.  And unluckiness as well.  So sorry Hope Solo, but Wambach got my vote on this one.

Soccer is also a game that has had its share of embellishment added to it.  The Brazilian Player just going down in the 2nd half of extra time.  No one had touched her.  She just went down.  And stayed down.  For 4 minutes.  They even got the stretcher out for her.  As soon as she gets off the field, she unbuckles her seatbelt and gets back on the field.  And is rightly given the yellow card for delay of game.  But I feel as if there should be extra consequences for that action.  Such as the amendment, "Any player who is taken off the field in a stretcher can not re-enter the game.  Doing so will result in a red card."  It's just ridiculous.  And should be unheard of at the professional level.  When they make commercials for ESPN about players faking injuries, there is a little bit of a problem.

So anyway.  Great heart US!  Gotta get some work done referees.  No reason to take a bath in grass without reason.  If I were English, I might say the US side played plucky.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, July 8, 2011

Symbolism AKA What English Teachers want you to Write about

So English teachers always want you writing/reading/thinking about symbolism.  And I just wondered what the point of it is.  You could say it helps you make connections.  But you don't need symbolism to make connections.  They probably say it helps with understanding.  Maybe.  But I can probably figure out on my own what exactly money represents.  It can represent greed, neediness, and, most of all, money.  Yes that's right.  Money can represent money.  But I don't really need to know what it represents.  Maybe if you want to understand characters and through connections, people.  But you don't need to.  People have a variety of reasons for wanting things.  Some of which are easily discernable.  In fact, for me, they are all recognized pretty easily.  I don't need symbolism to realize what people are like.  And I certainly don't need symbolism to figure out that it is pointless.  Actually, I do, because if it weren't there, I wouldn't recognize the pointlessness of it...

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, July 1, 2011


In genetics, certain genes are expressed to different degrees in response to the environment.  Actions and reactions based upon stimuli are, to a degree, genetic.  Character traits are to a point, genetic.  The way these are expressed depend upon the environment.  And by now I've said this 3 or 4 times.  Perhaps you get the point by now.  There is no way to know how these traits will end up being expressed because one set of circumstances occur in one instance but in another instance this stimulus might not occur.  So by now it has become obvious that everyone is different.  Even if we were to be completely identical to another, traits and there expression would be different.  And vice versa.  So there is almost 0 chance of anyone being the same.  Again, this is not what I was going to write about, but here it is...

~another musing of the ill-informed~