Thursday, September 22, 2011

Songs I would like to record sometime

I sing and there are some songs that I would like to have recorded sometime.  These include: Anthem from Chess, If I Can't Love Her from Beauty and the Beast, Lily's Eyes from The Secret Garden, I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly by Purcell, some German songs I have from Handel?  I think by him.  Maybe some others that I just haven't found yet.  But it would be nice to record some songs.  Oh also Sure on This Shining Night by Barber.  I like Latin.  I wonder if there's anything for me to sing there.  Anyway.  I would just like to record myself singing sometime.  It would be interesting.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quote Qwednesday

"Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.”
                     -The Princess Bride, S. Morgenstern
Life is hurt, life is horrid, life is the worst thing you could possibly imagine.  But life is good.  Life is one of the best things that will happen to you.  Above all else: Life is not fair.  Not fair not fair not fair.  Did I say it enough?  Do you get it now?  I suppose the point is to get what you can but not care what you can't.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm Busy...again

So I'm sorry if I don't get on this as often.  Not that anyone cares.  So I was talking to a friend today.  So I'm confused.  People are confusing.  I think I have someone figured out but I don't.  Maybe what I'm seeing is what I think I want to see instead of what is there.  That's on me.  Obviously.  But maybe the people are lying?  I know I lie to people.  With my face and words sometimes.  I just don't tell them what's really up.  Cause I don't want people to care.  But I do.  I'm confusing as well I suppose.  Again, we're almost all human.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, September 16, 2011

I feel like people are starting to read this so I feel sort of guilty about not writing more often.

So now that I said that no one will read this anymore.  Or maybe blogger is just lying to me.  In any case.  I'm interested in brains and thoughts and recording thoughts.  Like sampling brain patterns and waves to put them in a cohesive manner for easier storage.  Because face it, you can't remember everything you should.  There are some ideas in my brain that I think deeply about for maybe 5 minutes then I forget.  And I know it was huge.  I just don't remember it.  Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a device that worked in tandem with your brain to record your thoughts and processes and even interract back with your brain with information you have thought.  Along with expansive capabilities.  That's just something that would be amazing to do and have.

On another note, why am I so unhappy all the time?  That was...not uncharacteristic but...I don't know.  Anyway, I enjoy being quiet.  If you met me, you probably wouldn't know that.  I'm rather outspoken.  But I like to be nondescript and observant.  It makes me feel different.  But that's just me...or is it?

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, September 15, 2011


It's cold.  And I hope it doesn't get hot again.  It is so much easier to put layers on than take skin off. ;)  I think I'm turning into a cold person.  Perhaps this is symbolic...OR NOT!!! Not everything is symbolic everybody, just making sure you know taht.  And for some reason I find myself liking hot sauce.  Weird.  I'll get some slightly more involved posts over the weekend, just don't feel like it right now.  Gotta watch some Phoenix Wright videos from Arglefumph!

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, September 12, 2011


I just realized that I didn't post on this yesterday for 9/11.  I would like to thank our troops for all that they do overseas and also the first responders who are always always ALWAYS there helping those in need.  They truly do an amazing job.  I am glad that this nation is protected by such capable hands.

I mentioned that I read The Princess Bride, S. Morgenstern.  One part that is interesting is when Westley is being tortured by Rugen.  Usually, he doesn't mind too much, he just goes off in his mind with his love.  Enter the machine.  This differs a little bit from the movie.  The movie just puts a couple of suction cups on Westley.  The book covers Westley with suction cups, including his nostrils, eardrums, eyelids, and tongue.  This makes it impossible for him to retreat to his love.  After his "treatment," Westley just cries.  Why?  Is it because he feels he will eventually die from the machine?  Is is because he knows he could never endure such a thing?  He just cries.  Because no words could express the hurt and anguish that he feels.  This is the saddest part in the book for me.  Because this unbreakable man has just submitted to evil.  He's done. 

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reading the almost real princess bride...

The Princess Bride, originally written by Simon Morgenstern, abridged version by William Goldman.  And this statement, I have just found out, is incorrect.  Mostly because of the fact that Simon Morgenstern is not real.  He never existed.  Goldman (that fox) made all that crap up in his book so he could put his "abridged" parts into the book without too much of a problem.  I would call him a douche.  But that's really incredibly funny.  I am semi-chuckling right now.  Hah.  Hah.  And one more, hah.  You tricked me, you mastermind.  That was incredibly funny.  And you even talked about a 1000 page manuscript that never existed.  You amuse me incredibly.  An amazingly funny man.  Anyway, read the book, it really is good, now I have to go find out which parts he was lying about, other than Morgenstern...HAH!

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, September 9, 2011


Was talking to a friend today about some things.  Such a surprise, I know.  We talked about our future plans.  She said she lives life with knowledge of The Wall.  She knows she is going to hit it, but she just keeps going until she does.  I know there's a Wall.  But there's also something else.  Past the wall.  Over the wall.  Beyond the wall.  Something better, hopefully.  Skip the Wall and get to something better.  She said that she knows she is going to be unhappy.  I'm already unhappy.  Where else do you go from there?  More unhappy?  I have nowhere to go but up.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, September 8, 2011


There's never enough time.  Humans always want more time.  24 hours is not enough.  Plus humans sleep too much.  You can sleep when you're dead.  Life is too short.  (I put that on here before) There's never enough time in a life to do all that you need to do.  There's not enough time in a day.  Always have to be moving, doing something, getting something done, always rushing.  Never want to stop, always have to be stimulated.  I feel as if I'm repeating myself.  I just kind of was thinking about this today...

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quote Qwednesday

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
                                       -Walt Whitman
I liked this because often I just have ideas and say things and sometimes they're not entirely consistent.  But I am true, I am right, I am myself.  This is what I think he is trying to say.  He does not care if he seems contradictory to others, he knows what is true within himself, and he accepts this.  The accepting part is the harder one I think.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why do they sing?

One thing that I found weird about the Shinn books I wrote about: all of the angels sing.  Spoiler alert: And though the angel's wings were genetically crafted, their voices weren't.  So I just don't get how they all sing.  In real life, not everyone says they can sing.  For some reason, I feel they do.  I just don't think it is possible for people to not be able to sing and other people to be able to sing.  It just doesn't make sense to me.  It probably has to do with the fact of how often they sang or used inflection when they were going through puberty.  But I still think everyone can sing.  Or at least could.  So if there are people who can't sing, wouldn't there be some angels that also couldn't sing?

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jovah's Angel, Sharon Shinn

Recently (as in today) read Jovah's Angel, the sequel to Sharon Shinn's book Archangel.  Set 150 years after the original novel, this book follows a new archangel and her angelico.  The problem in this book is the question of faith and why the people of Samaria have the beliefs they do.  Technology has been set loose in the land and some of the other-worldly machines in Samaria have been failing.  What's more, it seems that Jovah is having trouble hearing the angels.  Alleluia must find her angelico, find her god, and heal her land from the everlasting weather troubles.
This seemed to cover another set of problems.  I do question my faith a lot, and this book was not very reassuring for that.  It did seem to exhibit many of the common behaviors man has when responding to faith and technology.  It actually seemed more like a stereotypical God/Science cross.  I'm not sure that the resolution was satisfying at all.  6 out of 10 for unoriginality?
On another note, read John Scalzi's stand-alone, The Android's Dream.  That was a surprising and somewhat hilarious and WOW! book to read.  Highly recommended.  8.5 out of 10.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm finally getting to this...

Here is one of the posts I promised inspired by Phantom of the Opera.  The Phantom, so desperate to experience love and companionship, steals Christine away and tries to procure a lifetime with her.  To him Christine is a God, a being that would bring him true happiness with just the slightest touch.  Only a being like her could possibly love the monster in him.
Is there a monster in all of us?  Do we feel that we could never truly be loved by anyone?  We long to find an angel that will see us for something BETTER than we are because we feel that no one could possibly love this monster.  But then we discover that even this angel is no heavenly being and maybe there is someone who could make us feel loved.  Perhaps that is one thing humans want: the companionship they don't deserve.

~another musing of the ill-informed~