Its always been one of my greatest fears. Its not even about being well-known. I just want to be special in some way some time in my life. We are told from a very young age that there is no one else in the world like us. I believe in this at some level but I also think that many lives go for the duration without being set apart from others. I have read so many books and seen so many movies; they don't make stories about unremarkable events. That's what they call a memoir. Short digression: there's a reason they call it a memoir. Its because they need a fancy word to hide the fact that there is really no reason to care. But anyway. There are very few people in the world, I may even be one of them, that are satisfied with mundane stories. We don't care for everyday life, we want to know about the specials. I'd like to be one someday. I'd like to one day have that feeling where I am untouchable and there is nothing in the world outside of my reach, even if it isn't true. What gets me depressed is the feeling that I'll always be normal---or worse.
~another musing of the ill-informed~
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