Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just finished Children of the Mind...AGAIN!

Did you know that wangled is used?  Not quite sure why I care (just kidding, it's a great word)  but someone uses it referring to Wang-Mu.  Wang-mu wangled.  ROFL!  But I noticed a couple of philosophic things I hadn't seen before.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Just had a chorus festival.  And it hurt...so annoying to sing for over 24 hours over 3 days...ugh.  Not fun at all.  I do like the singing part.  Just not the 24 hours part.  The last day is always the best.  But the parts before that, not so much.  Glad it's over, though we did have some good times.  Maybe I'll think up some good posts over the next week.  One note: kid who walks on the street, it is very er...invigorating to hear you sing heavy metal a capella.  Just saying...

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I just don't get it

I don't understand why some people have this insane complex that makes them rebel against everything they are told.  So what if you say the sky is blue!  I don't even think blue is a color!  I suppose that this is good in controlled quantities, but when you question everything and have an unquenchable hate of authority, there's a little bit of a problem there.  Humans need authority.  One person or thing that can influence them.  Why do you think role models are so popular?  Because people are not original.  They have to invent and reinvent themselves time and time again, rarely getting it right.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Finally had a bit of snow today!  And the nasty soccer assignors hadn't given us any games to referee so now the games should have been canceled!  Should be a good break for us.  Anyway.  Quite late in a season for a first snow in the winter.  Though we did have one in October.  I hope that this isn't just a way of putting off the bad weather until the spring.  That would not be very good at all.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Martin Luther King Day

Yesterday was the day that we remember the trials and sacrifices of a certain man as well as the people who were free without freedom.  I had the special experience of being able to sing with a large choir composed mostly of colored Americans.  It was a great experience.  It is at times like these that I wonder how discrimination could ever have existed in the forms that it used to.  However, those days are now mostly gone and times are mostly better.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ender's Game movie

Coming out in March 2013!  Hopefully.  As you may be able to imagine, I am quite excited for this magnificant event.  Apparently they are doing battle school scene filming from February to June in New Orleans.  Should be a pretty good cast and the Ender is apparently rather good.  From a series aspect, it would be semi-but not hard to do everything timeline wise.  Maybe with Bean, since he is so young to begin with, but everybody else can age seminaturally since Card made it very easy with his series.  Anyone for all of the Ender + Bean series to come out?  I am.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How could you do this?

You used to have your life planned out.  You knew where you were going to be.  But you ate yourself up.  I don't know how, I don't know why.  How could you ever be like that?  Are you who I thought you were?  I'm not sure what I am now.  Surprised?  I thought I was.  Angry?  I suppose so, but can I really be?  Upset?  I'm not sure anymore.  Disappointed?  Yes.  I thought you were better.  Now?  The single crushing answer is no.  Everyone's a mortal.  We all fall.  Maybe it's easier for some but it isn't.  It's all the same.  The fight is life.  When you give up, when you give in, you lose.  Pain is terrible.  Pleasure is worse.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, January 6, 2012

This week was too long...

Hopefully next week does not feel as long as this one did.  I did not have off the day after New Year's so we went a full five days.  Such a drag!  Don't really have plans for this weekend, so mayhap I can sleep a little.  Found a new game called QWOP.  Apparently this has been out for a while.  But I found it on Monday and now I am getting quite adept at it.  At least when the computer does not suck.  I will put a video of me playing it up sometime.

Like right now!  This was a few days ago.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Got my referee badge yesterday!

I got my referee badge yesterday!  So now I can "officially" referee soccer games.  Good thing too, since I have a game in about 2 weeks.  It's gon' be real cold.  I need to wear 20 pairs of underarmor or something.  Also got my nifty little card.  Awesomeness!  Yesterday was Wednesday.  Today is Thursday.  This week is going really slow.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What I get to thinking about sometimes

Here is the thought process I go through sporadically:
1.  What was here before I got here?  What happens when I get older?  What about after I die?
2.  I only know me.  I feel like everybody else thinks and stuff, but I'm the only one I'm assured of.
(No offense to anybody else, but that's just the way I go through the thoughts sometimes-not that you all don't think or anything, but how am I supposed to KNOW that?)
3.  Why am I here?  Why is everybody else here?
4.  What is really going on?
Then I get started on scenarios.  Has anybody ever heard of sibilism?  Or sybilism?  Or sibylism?  It was mentioned in Orson Scott Card's Lost Boys.  I'm trying to figure out if it is for real or not...

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years a bit late

Happy New Year's Everybody!  a day late...uhhh...ok.  My resolution (if anyone cares) is to post 2x as much as I did last year and put more of my pictures on here.  Starting tomorrow that is.

~another musing of the ill-informed~