Monday, January 31, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I was thinking about the unjustice of there only being 24 hours in a day and we have to sleep for a lot of that time when I wondered: isn't it awesome that we live on a world when each day is approximately 24 hours?  And it divides nicely into day and night? And we sleep during the night?  And our bodies readily function in this cycle? Just one random wondering that led me even more to the realization that yes there is a God, and yes, he did create us.  how else would everything be good?
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, January 28, 2011

Ridiculous Bureaucratic Procedures

Why are so many things messed up?  Procedures.  Of course.  There's a flip side.  Why are some things organized?  Procedures.  If we could get past the trash and get to the stuff that matters, more things would get done.  Ideas would get accepted.  This post would get ridiculed like it should.  Maybe if things turned out the way they should things would be better.  And maybe I shouldn't be writing this.  But I have nothing better to say.  See how things are going tomorrow.  Learn the only things you need to know.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I was talking to a person once, and I was holding my bags in one hand.  Halfway through the conversation, I thought that perhaps I should drop my bags.  This had a profound effect.  Are we all traveling so far and so fast that we just don't take the time to realize what is going around us?  The conversation was so refreshing that I felt I was being rude to the other person by holding my bags, as if I had somewhere else to go.  Drop the bags.  Stop what you're doing.  Just drop.  And stop.  It's worth it.

Trust me.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quote Qwednesday!

Quote Qwednesday!
I like whiskey. I always did, and that is why I never drink it.
         -Robert E. Lee
This quote, by a great, heroic yet human man, shows very clearly the fact that self-control is a very important characteristic that gets you through life.  If one does not have control, how then do they have control over other things that affect them?  Some may perhaps be surprised who said this.  Please know who he is and do not take things that I did not mean the wrong way.  I mean, I did mean them, but not the way you think I did.  Perhaps a little confusing, but you're reading this aren't you?  I'm not confused.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I don't think I have talked about this on here yet, but one friend just commented to me about crying makes her feel pitiful.  She may have said something different but similar.  I'm too lazy right now to check.  Anyway, crying in public is actually an admission that yes, something is wrong, and yes, I need help.  No one likes to see people crying, so the person crying will usually be comforted.  Crying in my humble opinion, is almost always if not always a choice.  You can really bring yourself not to cry if you try hard enough not to get in that mindset.  Crying is a form of expression.  Of many things.  I can think of many reasons to cry.  The beauty of something you are not a part of.  The beauty of something you are a part of.  Seemingly unendurable pain.  Others I do not feel like putting here. (laziness again) My main point here is that crying is not something to be ashamed of.  Most times, crying is putting yourself out there for other people to get involved.  That's a kind of self-centered way of putting it, but if it really bothers you can think about it another way.  Just don't expect me to help you to come up with it.  First Quote Qwednesday coming up tomorrow!
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Just read something in a rather boring book that had some good parts and also parts I just did not care about.  One thing stuck out to me.  How often do you tell people you could never see again that you care about them?  How often do you show them that you appreciate them?  What if you never saw this person again?  Perhaps right now you're saying, "I heard this over and over again and I've never had to regret a decision I made, so why bother now.?"  Just think.  In a world as precarious as ours, it could be the last thing that ever matters to anyone that you say to anybody in the whole world.  You have heard this over and over again.  So have I.  So why is it just now ringing true to mine ears?
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, January 21, 2011


Today the snow came down.  And down.  And down.  Snow is fun.  Cold and hard to shovel.  But it comes from the sky.  Where all have endeavored to go since the beginning.  Sorry for the short entry.  Just outside in the stuff that came from the place we would like to stay.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Just found this.  Bawling with laughter I tell you!The world's best and most famous conductor made a small mistake while conducting the New York Symphony Orchestra. The audience didn't notice, the orchestra didn't notice either, but he knew he'd made the mistake and decided that he should retire. Once the performance had finished, he turned and faced the audience and said, 'Ladies and gentlemen, this is my last performance as a world-class conductor. I'm now announcing my retirement.'

After a few minutes' silence from the shocked audience and orchestra, he was greeted with boos and hisses. He walked from the stage, only to be met by his manager, standing in between two gorilla-sized bodyguards. 'Oh no, you don't,' his manager said, 'you're not retiring.'

Forced back to work by his manager, he endured week after week of conducting he no longer wanted to do. While lying in bed one night with his wife of many years, he turned to her and said, 'Dear, would you be able to get me a small handgun?'
'Yes, dear,' she said, and he rolled over and went to sleep.
Sure enough, at his next performance, the conductor had a small handgun concealed in his jacket. Once the concert had finished, he turned to the audience and said, 'I'm announcing my retirement for the second time. This is my last performance.'
The tuba player from the orchestra stood up and shouted, 'You can't be serious!' and the conductor whipped out his handgun and shot the tuba player dead. It wasn't long before the police arrived and the conductor was taken away.

Days later, the conductor was taken to court. 'How do you plead to the charge of first-degree murder?' the judge enquired. 'Guilty, your Honor.' the conductor replied. 'Do you realize the sentence for first-degree murder in this state is death by electrocution?' the judge asked. The conductor thought for a moment but came to the conclusion that death would surely be better than continuing on like he was. 'Yes, your Honor: the conductor said.

While being strapped into the electric chair. one of the guards came to the conductor and said, 'You may have one last request before we terminate your life. What would you like?' After pondering a few seconds, the conductor replied, 'A silver platter with a dozen bananas.' His request was granted. and the conductor scoffed the bananas.

The room was emptied, and the switch was flicked. The conductor's hair stood on end, but he survived! As one guard was about to flick the switch again, he was stopped. 'He survived the chair and the law says we have to let him go.'

The conductor left the building, only to be greeted by his manager and the two gorilla-sized bodyguards. 'Back to work: his manager said.

More weeks of forced conducting went by. Lying in bed again one night with his wife, he asked, 'Dear, could you get me a grenade?'

'Yes, dear: she replied.

At his next performance, the conductor waited until the end of the concert, the grenade tucked neatly in his undies. 'For the third time, I'm announcing my retirement!' he yelled. He took out the grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it into the audience. The grenade exploded, killing 23 members of the crowd. The police arrived, and he was taken away again.

'You again?' asked the judge. 'I thought I'd sentenced you to death not long ago.' The conductor shrugged. 'Okay, how do you plead to 23 counts of first-degree murder?' the judge asked. 'Guilty to all counts: replied the conductor.

While the settings were changed to triple the voltage of the current going to the chair, the conductor was granted another last request.

'A silver platter with two dozen bananas: was his answer. He scoffed the bananas, the· room was evacuated and the switch was flicked. It appeared that they'd manage to kill him this time, but the conductor regained consciousness when they were about to remove his body. His manager and the two gorilla-sized bodyguards were waiting for him as he left the building. 'Back to work!'

The weeks dragged on, and the conductor couldn't take it any more. 'Dear, could you get me a missile launcher?' he asked his wife as they lay in bed.

I 'Yes, dear: she replied.

He didn't even wait for the concert to start. 'Fuck you all!' he screamed, and launched a missile into the New York Symphony Orchestra, killing all 190 band members. The army was called in this time, and he was dragged away.

'Jesus Christ, you again? You're supposed to be DEAD!' the judge roared. The conductor just shrugged. 'May I ask how you plead for 190 counts of first-degree murder?'

'Guilty as sin!' the conductor screamed. The bastards deserved it!' He was hauled away.

A public announcement was issued to all local residents warning that there would be a short out in the power. Meanwhile, the city's electrical engineers were busy rerouting a massive dose of voltage into the electric chair. Once again, the conductor was granted a last request. Three dozen bananas on a silver platter: he said. He scoffed the bananas, the building was completely vacated, and the electric chair was activated by remote control, some two kilometers away. The building exploded, reducing it to rubble. They fished through the ruins to find the conductor's ruined body.

His funeral was held some days later and as the casket was being lowered into the grave there was a knock on the coffin lid. Women fainted as the conductor crawled out of the coffin - alive!

He was taken to a large press conference. One reporter stood up and asked, 'You've survived three visits to the electric chair. How did you do it)'

'I've tried telling people before: he said. 'I'm just a bad conductor.'

~another musing of the ill-informed~

A Note on Days to Come

About a week ago, I decided to start another staple day on the blog.  Get ready for Quote Qwednesday.  This occurs on Qwednesdays and I will share quotes from something or other that is somewhat important or most definitely not important.  So get ready for that.  Also, if you have not already, check out another blog that I have a link to on my blog, it is pretty cool.  :O  Okay, so let's maybe start being a little productive instead of wasting time writing this thing...
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Notebook- the thing that stresses you out at the end of semesters that is an easy way to make your grade higher but really sucks if you get wrong.  Why do we have these?  To prove that we're organized.  I prefer a little more of the organized chaos kind of thing.  I don't care if what I have looks messy or if I'm hypocritical, I always know what I got.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Things

Okay, we're back after a week.  Just want to think about the new things that keep coming out.  What if everything that you had got consolidated into one single item.  Economy would just go down the toilet.  Not only do I not need a computer, refridgerator, or pencil, I only have to buy one product to get all of these.  So is there a point where consolidation becomes impossible and/or ridiculous?
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day at the Opera...not really

Today I went to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and it was a very enlightening experience.  It provided me with as little as two more posts that I will have to write down before putting on here, so get ready for some deep stuff.  My day was slightly hampered by the fact that in a soccer game last night I got cut in the lip and got 2 teeth knocked around a little.  Didn't lose them, but they still hurt.  Had a good day all the same.  Also got a little jealous of how a stage crew could be but ours might not be. :(  Oh well, take what you can get.  Also, Seattle won their wild-card game!  Give me some cheers or boos for that one.  I was walking around a mall and saw the game at one of the electronics stores and did a double-take.  It was awesome.  It would be hilarious if the Seahawks went further than this.  Freakin' Hilarious.  So I'm thinking that Saturday is going to be the day where I talk about random stuff that happened or will be happening.  So look forward to Saturdays. (or every day on my blog)
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Friday, January 7, 2011

Busy Week coming up

The end of an extensive week has finally come.  This week really seemed to be endless.  The inevitable has happened: the perceived unendable week has ended.  Now for exciting things.  Like a soccer game that starts at 9:55...PM.  Now our keeper will have an excuse for the balls that go in the net.  The next morning, going to NYC to see Phantom on Broadway, should be fun.  Next week brings more surprises.  In that I make an example for most human experiences: look back, think about how it could have been better, look ahead, and think about how much better it will be.  And it might!  Or it might not.  The true fun is not knowing what is actually around the corner even though we think we have control over everything.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Life is a suicide mission"

In the time I don't have, I was reading a book and came across this phrase as a chapter title.  It kind of goes with some things I have been thinking about recently and may be posting in the near future.  Life is the unending road to death and no matter what choices are made or what roads are not taken, death is still the end result.  Only a few people have escaped the inevitable and they lived over 1500 years ago.  Death being the end result, the termination of all things, good and bad, the only thing people can do is make the greatest difference possible in the time they have.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Music-the language that transcends all boundaries.  Why is music so prominent in life?  It can make you feel happy, sad, angry.  It can make you feel present.  You can have a conversation.  You can make a declaration.  Music gives us a chance to express our feelings and leave the world that we live in to enter a mystical dimension where all is music and all is right.  To feel that peace, that is the goal of music.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Boot to the Head

It wouldn't work...
open me!
~another musing of the ill-informed~


Clench or open?  Which way is your fist?  Do you accept life as it comes and experience things the open fist way?  Perhaps fighting is your style.  You struggle for everything that you achieve in life.  Is one better?  Are they the same?  I don't think they are, but perhaps someone can come up with a situation in which they are.  I can't think of a way currently.  Now to figure out how to get youtube videos to show up on the blog...

Another thing.  Thank you to those who made my pageview number skyrocket over the past day or 2.  Your presence is noted and much appreciated in this blog's bleak existence.

~another musing of the ill-informed~

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to Structure

Things start anew-or so we think.  The new year is the time when everybody resolves to be better and go to work on Monday to find out-everything is just the same.  You may con yourself into thinking you are different and perhaps you are, in a way.  You are still the same person, who will make most of the same decisions, with no regard as to what date it is or what you look like.  You are who you are and a perceived new start will not change that.  The only way change happens is if you resolve to change by yourself.  And you can change whenever you want, you don't need someone else to do it with you.  Sometimes, change is not the best thing in your life, and you might find that out.  When there is a problem, find the solution, even if the solution is inaction.  Sometimes the best solution is to have no solution.
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The First Nonserious Post...or not

Looking back at my other posts, I realize that they do not make for the most interesting reading material.  I will try to make this post a little less heavy.  Today is my youngest sister's birthday.  She got some presents and was happy and I was happy that she was happy and everybody was just happy.  No beans about, happiness is fun.  All should endeavor to be happy more and sad less.  There are times for both, as long as they are real.  The illusion of happiness is just a mask that sadness puts on to stay on the job longer.  Make the happiness real and go on with your life.  (and come back to read more of my blog!)
~another musing of the ill-informed~

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy January 1st!  This happens to be the date that all people have chosen to start things anew.  The beginning of a new...anything.  As long as it isn't old, we're fine!  Why do we feel the need to reinvent and rejuvenate everybody?  Was last year really that bad?  Maybe it is just the need to move on and explore new ideas.  Humans perhaps do not want to dwell on the past which, incidentally, is what happens often on new year's thinking about how much better than LAST year this year is going to be.  Is that bad?  Definitely not!  Let's remember last year, and resolve to make mistakes and get messy! (like the magic school bus!) So get ready world, 2011 is here! (wow, I had a lot of trouble typing that...)
~another musing of the ill-informed~