Friday, July 15, 2011

If you can't figure out what this is about, you need to get out from under your rock and see the world...

I went to see a movie tonight.  You know which one.  The one with the...oh it's ok.  You know what I'm talking about.

Complaints first.  I'm going to go with my bud Arglefumph on this and start bulleting.  (I didn't actually read his yet, after I write this, I'm going to)
  • Harry never actually repaired his wand.  He just broke the Elder Wand and left his wand broken.
  • Harry broke the Elder Wand
  • Neville didn't kill the snake right away
  • No one was exactly there when Harry killed Voldemort
  • They didn't really talk that much
  • What was that business with Harry shoving Tom off the balustrade?
  • Harry doesn't nod when Mrs. Malfoy asks him if Draco is dead or not.  He breathes Yes.  And Narcissa wasn't covering the part of Harry where his head was.  So everyone would have seen him moving his head.  Bam!  Harry dies again.  End of movie
  • Not enough French Horn for my liking  (the whole movie series was like that for me)
  • I didn't like how the Gringotts scene was handled.  I always thought the dragon blasted out through a wall or something.
  • Ron's parsletongue sounded like "I saw Harry kissing Ginny Weasley..."
  • The above was kind of dumb
  • What was up with that water attack after Hermione stabs the cup.  And it kinda looked like she missed...
  • How do you stab a cup anyway? I thought you would stab it in the middle of the part where liquid is held, but I suppose not...
  • Neville got knocked back.  That wasn't cool.
  • I think the part where Pansy Parkinson says where Harry is wasn't long enough.  Not enough people protecting Harry.
  • The pensieve part with Snape was certainly not long enough.  They skipped all the stuff with school-age Snape and Lily
  • Little Lily's and Baby Harry's eyes were not green.  Easy solution- contacts.
  • At the end, there wasn't enough comic relief.  You only have Harry talking to Albus Severus.  That was it.  Almost like the director saying, "You may only laugh if I let you."  I hated that...
  • That stringy thing with the ball that goes back and forth?  Used far too much.  Like 10 times.  It was dumb.  Didn't even happen that way.  Come up with something else to use people!
I could come up with more if you want.

Good things- Awesome cello solo when Snape dies.  At least I think that's where it was.  There was a horn part at the end.  It made my hearts go all a-flutter.  I did like the part where Snape dies.  Favorite quote?  "Why are you here?"  Lily: "We never left."

Overall?  I didn't like it.  J. K. Rowling is not that good.  The movies got even worse.

Resolution?  I need to start bringing my notebook everywhere so I don't forget things I want to talk about.  And when Ender's Game comes out in theatres, it had better be the best thing I have EVER seen on the screen.  Or I will do something horrendous.  Stand up and start booing in the theatre.  It is too good to ruin.  So I can't wait, but it had better be good!  Or else.

And what is this about Breaking Dawn being in two parts?  Moneygrubbing copycats.  I don't like the Twilight Saga.  All we need is an extra movie for old ladies to ooh and ah at.  (no offense to old ladies)

~another musing of the ill-informed~

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